The knee has 14 bursae. A bursa is a small sac that prevents friction from occurring between tendon, muscle, bone and skin. If the bursa becomes irritated it fills with fluid and becomes inflamed resulting in ‘bursitis’. The pre-patellar bursa is the most commonly affected bursa of the knee. This is referred to as ‘housemaid’s knee’.
Signs & Symptoms
Pain (overhead activities – throwing, swimming, weights)
Catching feeling
Impingement with combined abduction and internal rotation
Tenderness on palpation of the rotator cuff tendon
Painful arc on movement (between 70 and 120 degrees of abduction)
What Causes It?
Poor control of shoulder and scapula
Repetitive overhead activities
Overuse (increased volume of training)
Shoulder instability
Trigger points and tightness within rotator cuff muscles
Training technical faults
How to Self Manage
R.I.C.E. protocol
Avoid aggravating activities such as those listed above
Assessment of the shoulder complex
Review and modification of sporting or work activities aggravating shoulder
Assess rotator cuff and other stabilising muscles for weakness and/or imbalance
Biomechanical review of shoulder and scapular function and stability
Prescribe an individualised program to improve stability and strength
Soft tissue massage and trigger point release
Acupuncture and dry needling
Liaising with coach RE sporting technique if required
How Physio Helps
Assess the patellar tendon to determine if it is the source of pain
Biomechanical review
Muscle imbalance correction
Eccentric loading program for the patellar tendon
Prescription of a brace to offload the patellar tendon
Deep transverse frictions
Stretching of hamstrings, calves, ITB, and calf muscles
Strengthening of quadriceps, glutes and gastrocs.
Neural mobilisation