Chondromalacia patella is a condition which affects the knee. The articular cartilage on the back of the knee cap softens and can result in wear and tear.
The condition has similar causative factors to patellofemoral syndrome.
Signs & Symptoms
Pain at the front of the knee (behind the knee cap) with activity
Crepitus (grating or grinding)
Aggravated by climbing stairs, running
What Causes It?
Irritation or rubbing of under the surface of the patella on femur
Acute or repetitive trauma
Genetic tendency
Rapid growth
High impact sports
Tight ITB
Abnormal lower limb alignment (knock knees, over pronation)
Maltracking of the patella
Poor lumbopelvic stability
How to Self Manage
R.I.C.E. protocol
Rest from or modify aggravating activities
Try walking and swimming as alternate forms of exercise
Speak to your GP or pharmacist RE suitable medication for pain relief
Seek x-ray or scan to confirm diagnosis
Rest may be enough to settle pain and allow tissues time to repair
An X-ray and MRI will determine the extent of damage
An arthroscope may be required to smooth or repair the cartilage lining the under-surface of the patella.
If not managed, there is a likelihood the OCD will progress to osteoarthritis
How Physio Helps
Assess your knee for chondromalacia patella
Refer for investigation if necessary
Review training and sport for activity modification
Release tight structures (ITB, lateral retinaculum)
Assess for lower limb muscular imbalance
Patella mobilisation
Patella strapping
Prescription of exercises to correct imbalances in flexibility and strength
Pilates exercises to improve lumbopelvic stability