Inflammation and thickening of the synovial sheath of tendons of the wrist and thumb.
Surrounding the muscles that extend and abduct thumb is a synovial sheath which can become inflamed. At the lower end of the radius these tendons pass through a tunnel of bone and ligaments.
Also referred to as Hoffman’s disease.
Signs & Symptoms
Pain on the radial side of the wrist
Aggravated by the movements of thumb extension and thumb abduction
What Causes It?
Overuse (work or sport)
Radial side dominated sports such as rowing, kayaking, and racquet sports
How to Self Manage
Cortisone and anaesthetic injection may be useful.
If conservative management fails surgery to release the tendons may be required.
How Physio Helps
Assess if your condition is de Quervain’s by conducting the Finkelstein’s test
Organise a splint to immobilise the thumb and reduce aggravation of the tendons
Use manual treatment including deep transverse frictions with the tendon on stretch to release any adhesions
Use electrical therapies such as ultrasound and interferential
Prescribe stretches and strengthening specific to your problem
Review possible stressors, and organise ergonomic aids such as a built-up pen grip to offload the tendons