Fat pad impingement occurs when the infrapatellar of the knee becomes irritated or impinged.
The fat pad is well innervated, and therefore a sensitive structure
The infrapatellar fat pad lies beneath the patellar tendon, behind the patella, and in front of the distal end of the femur.
Also known as ‘Hoffa’s disease’

Signs & Symptoms
Pain below the patella
Tenderness on squeezing either side of the patellar tendon
Patella is tilted inferiorly

What Causes It?
Excessive hyperextension of the knees in standing
Increased anterior pelvic tilt
Repeated hyper extension of the knee

How to Self Manage
R.I.C.E. protocol
Monitor stance and sporting technique to see if hyperextension is a contributing factor
Improve your posture and core stability with a Pilates program

Conservative management should be enough to manage mild to moderate arthritis
Once pain becomes constant and severe, and life activities are significantly impeded then specialist intervention may be required

How Physio Helps
Assess your knee to confirm that the fat pad is impinged
Assess the patella for inferior tilt
Trial taping technique to offload the irritated fat pad
Correct postural contributing factors (lumbar lordosis, pelvis tilt, degree of hyperextension in standing and in sport)
Assess and correct muscular imbalances