Haglund’s syndrome is a raised posterolateral corner of the calcaneum. Because the posterolateral aspect of the calcaneum is raised, there is a greater likelihood that the surrounding structures (Achilles, bursa) can be irritated.

Signs & Symptoms

What Causes It?
Wearing shoes with a hard surface at the heel (heel tab) can lead to formation of this bony prominence. Also a foot position called rearfoot varus can lead to these bony changes.

How to Self Manage
Rest from aggravating activities. The use of a heel raise to offload the Achilles, or a heel cup to decrease shock absorption may be of help. Ensuring that shoes fit well and do not rub on the back of the heel is also important.


How Physio Helps
Your physiotherapist should be able to assess your calcaneum and if necessary organise for xray to confirm presence of Haglund’s syndrome. Conservative management would likely include biomechanical evaluation, recommendation of appropriate orthoses, and prescription of suitable exercises and relevant sporting advice. Electrotherapy modalities may also be used to reduce pain and local inflammation. In the event of unsuccessful conservative treatment, surgery may be indicated to address the bursa and bony prominence.