Hypermobility is essentially too much movement at a joint (s). This excess movement can then create instability in the lumbar spine resulting in low back pain.
Signs & Symptoms
Low back pain may be general or specific to one level
Poor lumbopelvic control
Feeling of weakness or instability
Poor response to normal mobilising or manipulative treatment
What Causes It?
General hypermobility affecting the whole body
Poor core stability
How to Self Manage
Modify aggravating activities so that they are carried out with control.
If globally hypermobile all over then choose activities which address improving stability such as Pilates.
For more specific management, assessment by your physiotherapist will be required.
Long term self management with progressive stabilising exercises is necessary to improve stability and reduce segmental low back pain.
How Physio Helps
Assess for global Hypermobility
Palpate the spine to determine if an individual segment is affected versus general
Provide specific strengthening exercises to increase lumbar stability
Mobilise areas of hypomobility if present, so that one mobile segment is not connected to a stiff one