The back part of the ankle can become pinched or impinged by the overlying tibia (shin bone). This typically occurs with the foot in a plantarflexed or toes pointing downward position.
Posterior impingement tends to appear in athletes who maximally plantarflex their feet such as ballet dancers, sprinters and football players.
In some instances the posterior part of the talus can sometimes form a bony prominence called an os trigonum. This bony growth takes up space in the back of the ankle which in turn affects movement and has the potential to cause pain with plantarflexion.

Signs & Symptoms

What Causes It?

How to Self Manage
Rest from aggravating activities involving forced plantar flexion, and if not contraindicated anti-inflammatory medication or gels can be useful.

General posterior ankle impingement should improve with conservative physiotherapy management. If pain persists, a cortisone injection to the area is an option. The presence of an os trigonum may require arthroscopic removal.

How Physio Helps
Joint mobilisation of the ankle, subtalar and foot joints.
Electrotherapeutic modalities.