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  • Osgood Schlatters is a condition common in adolescents.  It occurs during periods of rapid growth between the ages of 10-15 years.

  • Traction of the patellar tendon on the growth plate at the tibial tuberosity can result in pain and an enlarged bony prominence.


Signs and symptoms

  • Pain at the front of the knee around the tibial tuberosity
  • Aggravated with sports involving running and jumping
  • Pain with hopping, squatting and kneeling
  • Tenderness over the tibial tuberosity
  • Possible swelling


  • Growth spurt

  • Heavy load of sports activity involving running and jumping

  • Tight quadriceps muscles

  • Over-pronation of the feet

  • A sudden increase in the level of sports activity

  • Use pain as your guide as to how much sport you should carry on with

  • Stretch the quadriceps muscles so that they are not tight

  • Ice the tibial tuberosity area if it is sore post-exercise

  • Mild pain relief as required


  • The amount of sport played has not been shown to be detrimental, so really pain is the best determinant of how much sport you can continue playing

  • The condition can last for up to 2 years

  • Individuals are likely to remain with a large bony prominence on the tibial tuberosity

  • Id pain continues into adulthood, there may be a separate bone fragment which if painful would be removed surgically


  • Diagnose the pain as being Osgood-Schlatters and not another anterior knee pain presentation
  • Assess for biomechanical factors
  • Check for muscle tightness or imbalance
  • Provide electrotherapy for pain relief
  • Provide soft tissue massage to release the quadriceps
  • Prescribe a stretching and strengthening program
  • Make training modifications for graduated return to sport if necessary


OR for an online consultation click here

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